Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Rowing Machine

A few weeks ago I started using a rowing machine at the gym.  I had been vaguely interested in it ever since I joined, but never used it.  My wife and I go to the gym together on Saturday mornings, and when we got there there was only one free elliptical trainer, so she suggested that I try the rowing machine.

I love it.

I'm not sure why I am more motivated by this machine more than by running, or using the elliptical, but there is something about it that is just more fun.  Maybe it's because the work is spread throughout more of the body, maybe it's just because you get to sit down.  

I realized this weekend that I was not using the machine quite right - I was using to much energy in my arms to pull, rather than letting my legs drive me.  On Saturday, after my elliptical workout, I spent a few minutes ironing out my form so that I would be more efficient.  Monday, I rowed 6000 meters, and felt fresher than I had a week before rowing 5000.  I practically skipped to the bus stop.  If you told me a year ago I would be giddy after a workout, I would have given you a begrudging "hah, right" and gone on to more serious things.  

My wife told me that once I started working out, it would make me feel better about myself, for all sorts of reasons.  She was right.  I am a very cautious person, and the success I have had with the rowing machine, and the way it makes me feel, is encouraging.  It makes me feel like I can take what I want to do more seriously, because I can accomplish whatever I set my mind to do.

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