Sunday, April 5, 2009


My wife sent me a great post to read.  Go to this link and read it, and I also recommend reading the comments (which I seldom do).  When you're done come back here.

Okay, wasn't that awesome?  I felt it was an incredibly personal way of stating FDR's famous truism:

Take that in.  Because I am, and I have been scared my whole life, of what people think, of looking stupid, of being embarrassed, or ashamed.  And now I'm in my forties, and like the writer of that post, I know I am not doing what I am meant to do.  So now I am going to say it.

(The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.)

I want to be a writer.  I have wanted to be a writer all of my life.

Yeah, I know, duh, you're writing right now, so you are a writer.

Let me clarify.  I want to be a work all day in a cafe, live by my imagination, see the world, drink coffee on the Left Bank kind of writer, at least metaphorically speaking.  I want to be free to tell the stories I want to tell the way I want to tell them.

(The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.)

So yeah, I have a job, and a mortgage, and responsibilities, and I am not about to quit and live off of credit cards and Ramen noodles.  I am going to go to work and be the best classroom scheduling manager I can be, and I am going to take care of my house and my mortgage and my family, the best way I can.

But I am also going to write stories.  Because I can.

You heard it.  The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I loved this post.

"But I am also going to write stories. Because I can."

YES! It's so good to read those words.

I feel proud that I might incite even one person to make a declaration they weren't able to make before reading my post.

But mostly I feel humble, because I know it's not me, it's something that comes *through* me, and I'm a conduit.

Please, keep writing. And telling the world about it.

If you're on Twitter, please follow me so I can find you - I'm @victoriashmoria. Or @ me if you're already following!